Support and help

We want you get the most out of AgentQL. If you encounter any issues or have questions, reach out to use on our community support channel.

Where to get support

Primary upport channel: Discord

Our Discord server is the heart of our community and the quickest way to get support. Here’s how to access it:

  1. Join the AgentQL Discord server.
  2. Navigate to the #support channel.
  3. Post your question or describe your issue.

Our AgentQL team members actively monitor this channel and will assist you as quickly as possible.

Email support

If you prefer a more traditional route, you can reach us via email at We’ll respond as soon as we can.

Guidelines for efective support requests

To help us provide the best possible support as quickly as possible, please follow these guidelines when posting in the #support channel:

  1. Be specific: Clearly describe the issue you're facing or the question you have. Include any error messages you're seeing.

  2. Provide context: Share relevant details about your environment, such as:

    • AgentQL version
    • Python version
    • Operating system
    • Browser (if applicable)
  3. Include a minimal reproducible example: If possible, please provide a small code snippet that demonstrates the issue. This helps us understand and diagnose the problem more quickly.

  4. Share your AgentQL query: Include the full query in your support request.

  5. Describe expected vs. actual behavior: Explain what you expected to happen and what actually occurred.

  6. Use code formatting: When sharing code or error messages, use Discord's code formatting (triple backticks: /```/) to make it easier to read.

Example of a good support request

I'm having trouble extracting product prices from an e-commerce site. Here's my query:

    products[] {

I'm using AgentQL version 0.5.0 with Python 3.9 on Windows 10. When I run this query, I get all the product names correctly, but the prices are coming back as None. I expected to see the actual price values. Any ideas what might be causing this?