Release Notes

Version 1.8.0

New Features

  • Debug information available on Page object.

Users can now access the last query, response, and accessibility tree generated by the AgentQL SDK on this page using getLastQuery(), getLastResponse(), and getLastAccessibilityTree() methods respectively.

These information may be useful for debugging and trouble-shooting.


  • (Python SDK) Fixed a bug when trying to wrap an already wrapped Playwright Page

Version 1.7.1


  • Updated endpoint for AgentQL query generation in Python SDK.

Version 1.7.0

New Features for Python SDK

  • Pagination!

AgentQL Python SDK now supports pagination under module. With paginate(), users can automatically collect data from multiple pages using an AgentQL query. Additionally, user can use get_pagination_info() to step through the pagination process for further manipulation.

For more information, please refer to the API references for paginate() and get_pagination_info().

Tiny Fish is planning to add pagination support to JavaScript SDK soon.

Version 1.6.2


  • Optimized accessibility tree generation by combining processing steps.


  • Fixed a bug in accessibility tree generation caused by undefined element tag name.

Version 1.6.1


  • Fixed a bug in accessibility tree generation affecting specific websites.

Version 1.6.0

Python SDK

Breaking Changes

  • DebugManager and TrailLogger are removed from the Python SDK. Now, to debug your scripts, you can set the logging level to DEBUG in your script like this:
import logging



  • Fixed the issue where AgentQL hangs when the page crashes.


  • Stealth mode library updated to version 1.1.0. Now users can pass browser_type parameter to indicate the browser type they are using.
await page.enable_stealth_mode(nav_user_agent=user_agent, browser_type="chrome")

JavaScript SDK


  • Fixed the issue where AgentQL hangs when the page crashes.
  • Fixed the issue where AgentQL throw Unexpected number error when generating accessibility tree.

Version 1.5.0

JavaScript SDK

Breaking Changes

  • We have updated the following methods to accept an options object for optional parameters instead of using positional arguments:

    • getByPrompt(prompt, options)
    • queryElements(query, options)
    • queryData(query, options)
    • waitForPageReadyState(options)

For more information, please refer to the API reference.

Version 1.4.1

New Features

  • JavaScript SDK!

AgentQL now supports JavaScript SDK! Check out the the installation instructions and our launch week announcement post to learn more or our new JavaScript examples to get started.


  • default query_elements() timeout increased to 300 seconds
  • default get_data_by_prompt_experimental() timeout increased to 75 seconds

Version 1.4.0

Breaking Changes

  • "fast" mode is now the default mode for query_elements(), query_data(), and get_by_prompt() methods. Users can still use "standard" mode by setting the mode parameter to "standard":
response = page.query_data(QUERY, mode="standard")


  • Fixed the issue where page monitor is not initialized properly when page.goto() is not called.


  • Added support for non-ASCII characters in query descriptions.

Version 1.3.0

Breaking Changes

  • include_aria_hidden parameter

For query_elements(), query_data() and get_by_prompt() methods, the parameter include_aria_hidden was changed to include_hidden parameter so that users can control whether to include hidden elements when trying to fetch elements or data.

Version 1.2.0

New Features

  • Commas are now supported in AgentQL queries. Users can now use commas to separate query terms in the query string. For example, the following query is now valid:
    first_name, last_name, email


  • Improved the reliability of wait_for_page_ready_state() method by more thoroughly capturing page events.


  • Fixed DebugManager not finalizing the logger and returning all desired logs.

Version 1.1.0

Breaking Changes

  • Session-based API is removed from agentql package. For new Page-based API, users can refer to this guide.

New Features

  • Fast Mode

AgentQL now supports Fast Mode for query_elements(), query_data(), and get_by_prompt() methods. Users can specify the mode they would like to use with the mode parameter -- fast mode will decrease the response time but may lower the accuracy of the response.

For API reference, visit this page.

  • agentql new-script command

Users can now use agentql new-script command to quickly set up a template script. Currently, users could choose between sync and async scripts.

For API reference, visit this page.

  • Request ID for trouble-shooting

If there is a server-side error, AgentQL now returns a Request ID that corresponds to a specific request in AgentQL backend server. This ID will be output to the console at the end of error messages. Including this ID when reaching out for support will greatly increase the speed of assistance.


  • Improved accessibility tree generation by including child nodes of slot elements in the tree.

Version 1.0.1


  • Fixed invalid documentation links in error messages.

Version 1.0.0

AgentQL is officially launched with a new API!

Breaking Changes

  • Session-based API is deprecated. They will be removed in version 1.1.0. For new Page-based API, users can refer to this guide.

New Features

  • wrap() and wrap_async()

The agentql module provides the above two utility methods to convert Playwright's Page to AgentQL's Page, which gives access to AgentQL's querying API.

For instructions on how to use them, visit this API reference page.

  • get_by_prompt()

Other than query_elements() and query_data() methods, AgentQL now provides get_by_prompt() for users to fetch a single element from web page using natural language.

For API reference, visit this page.

Version 0.5.3


  • Fixed accessibility tree generation creating duplicate IDs for web elements.
  • Optimized accessibility tree generation by including nodes with aria-hidden=true attribute by default.
  • Adjusted how API key is checked so that keys set through environment variable will take precedence over those set in config file.


  • Debug mode now generates request_id information for each query request. Users can share this information with Tiny Fish developers when asking for help with a specific query.

Version 0.5.2

New Features

  • Query Data

Previously, AgentQL adhered to a one-to-one relationship between query terms and web elements, which sometimes made it difficult to query a block of text or retrieve actual text value from responses. Now, users can achieve these tasks with the newly added session.query_data() method. The following example demonstrates how to use this endpoint:
import agentql

session = agentql.start_session("")

QUERY = """
    required_programming_skills (just the skill name)[]
    base_salary_min (without the dollar sign, use _ as separator)
    base_salary_max (with dollar sign)

response = session.query_data(QUERY)

# Text of the query terms could be directly retrieved in the following way
print(f"Base salary min: {response.base_salary_min}")
print(f"Base salary max: {response.base_salary_max}")

for skill in response.required_programming_skills:
    print(f"Required programming skill: {skill}")



  • Improved accessibility tree generation logic by removing HTML elements with the code tag.

Version 0.5.1


  • Fixed the script getting stuck in an infinite loop when the starting character and the ending character of the query are the same, but they are not quotation marks

Version 0.5.0

Breaking changes

  • Modules structure update. Playwright web drivers are now located in agentql.ext.playwright.sync_api and agentql.ext.playwright.async_api for synchronous and asynchronous versions respectively:
from agentql.ext.playwright.sync_api import PlaywrightWebDriver
from agentql.ext.playwright.async_api import PlaywrightWebDriver

New features

  • Debug Mode

Users can now use AgentQL SDK's Debug Mode to debug their scripts. The following example demonstrates how to enable this mode:
from agentql.sync_api import DebugManager

with DebugManager.debug_mode():

It will save meta information (like OS, Python version, AgentQL version), logs, error information, last accessibility tree used, and screenshots of every page queried to the debug folder. The default path is $HOME/.agentql/debug.

  • Query Terms' Context

Previously, when describing a term in the query, users would need to do something like this:


Now, AgentQL Query supports providing context for the query terms. Add it inside parentheses like this:

    button(This is the second button from the top. It's next to login button and will only appear when hero image is present)

For more details, please check out our query introduction page.

  • Search in Documentation Website

Users can now search for keywords in AgentQL Documentation Website.


  • Supported iterating over query's collection data items via for loop
  • Improved typechecking for AgentQL response
  • Added AgentQL config file path to the agentql init command's output


  • Fixed a crash in wait_for_page_ready_state() method when it was invoked before page redirection
  • Fixed session.current_page not updating when opening new tab after clicking on a link

Version 0.4.7


  • Refactored part of the internal logic of query syntax

Version 0.4.6


  • Improved the error message for a better debugging experience
  • Allowed History log to output logging information even when an error is raised


  • Fixed scrolling not working on some websites
  • Fixed accessibility tree not being captured correctly on some websites

Version 0.4.5


  • Added AgentQL CLI which is a tool designed to assist you in using the AgentQL SDK. It can help you set up your development environment.
  • Added Trail Logger which can log actions taken by AgentQL SDK and display them at the end of a session. This can be used for debugging your scripts. The Trail Logger can be enabled through enable_history_log parameter in start_session() method and the logs can be obtained through session.get_last_trail().
  • Added Session#last_accessibility_tree property to get the last captured accessibility tree. It can be helpful for debugging purposes.
  • Added Popup#page_url property to get the URL of the page where the popup occurred. It can be used when analyzing popup on different pages.
  • Adjusted the error message for AttributeNotFoundError for better debugging information.
  • Moved the import path for ProxySettings, Locator and Page class to agentql.ext.playwright.


  • Fixed some web pages with empty iframes HTML element crashing the accessibility tree generation logic.
  • Fixed wait_for_page_ready_state() not reliably waiting on some websites.

Version 0.4.4


  • Addressed incorrect hidden elements detection logic

Version 0.4.3


  • Fixed some web page elements being incorrectly marked as "hidden" and not included in the query result.

Version 0.4.2


  • Fixed the page not being closed when the session was closed.

Version 0.4.1


  • Fixed SDK crash to enable async SDK usage and multiple sync sessions.
  • Fixed a potential resource leak issue during session creation failures.

Version 0.4.0

Breaking changes

  • Major modules structure overhaul.
  • Playwright Web Driver now starts in "headed" mode by default. To start it in "headless" mode, users need to pass headless=True to the PlaywrightWebDriver constructor.

Version 0.3.1


  • Fixed SDK crash on Python versions < 3.10


  • Added Session#last_query and Session#last_response methods to get the last response and query objects respectively. These can be helpful for debugging purposes.

Version 0.3.0


We've migrated our SDK from webql to agentql to be consistent with our new branding! This release introduces breaking changes. Please refer to "Breaking Changes" section for latest information.

Breaking changes

  • As we have moved our SDK from webql to agentql, our Python library is now called agentql and you can import the same with import agentql

  • API key setup, instead of WEBQL_API_KEY, now the users need to set AGENTQL_API_KEY.


We have also updated our docs to reflect those changes! The underlying APIs available and the way they can be leveraged are still the same.

Version 0.2.8

Hotfix release

  • Fixed TypeError: got an unexpected keyword argument 'allow_redirects'

Version 0.2.7


This release introduces some breaking changes. Please refer to "Breaking Changes" section for latest information.

Breaking changes

As we continue drawing a clearer line between Session and WebDriver, we removed several APIs which were previously present in Session class:
# Removed APIs

All these methods are now available in WebDriver class, so you can use them in the following way:


  • Fixed possible crash in PlaywrightDriver related to unbound variable (#252)
  • Allowed http redirects for AgentQL API calls (#257)
  • Fixed resource leak: reuse existing browser context for iframes (#259)
  • Fixed resource leak: dom update listener is never removed (#258)
  • Moved to tf-playwright-stealth (#260)
  • Relaxed dependency requirements (#261)
  • Added environment variable to control API host (#262)

Version 0.2.6


  • Optimized the code by making enable_stealth_mode() method sync in Asynchronous version of SDK.

Version 0.2.5


This release introduces public APIs for checking whether web driver is in headless mode and for retrieving web driver instance in Session class. Several bug fixes and code optimization are also included in this release.

New Features

  • API to retrieve web driver instance from Session

Users can now interact with the web driver instance directly from Session class in the following way:
# This will scroll to the bottom of the page

# This will wait for page to enter a stable state
  • API to retrieve headless setting

Users can now determine whether the browser is started in headless mode by invoking session.driver.is_headless().

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where users can not chain methods for response object.

Version 0.2.4


This release introduces Stealth Mode to SDK. Stealth mode will decrease users' possibility of being marked as bot on some websites.

New Features

  • Stealth Mode

Users can enable stealth mode by invoking enable_stealth_mode() method in Web Driver class. Users can pass in their User Agent, webgl renderer, and webgl vendor information to maximize the effect of stealth mode.

Users can activate the Stealth Mode like this:
import webql as wql
from webql.sync_api.web import PlaywrightWebDriver

driver = PlaywrightWebDriver(headless=False)

# Enable the stealth mode and set the stealth mode configuration

Version 0.2.3


This release improves the stability and reliability of SDK by introducing fixes to some known bugs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where page interaction sometimes froze in headless mode.
  • Fixed a bug for data postprocessing in async environment.

Version 0.2.2


This release introduces a new API through which users can retrieve Page object from web driver. In addition, this release also includes several bug fixes and code optimization.

New Features

  • New public API for getting Page object from web driver

A public API has been added to Session class for retrieving Page object. With the Page object, users can interact with web pages more freely, such as page refreshing and navigation.

For instance, to refresh the page, users can use the following script:
session = webql.start_session()

# This will reload the current web page

To navigate to a new website, users can use the following script:
session = webql.start_session()

# This will take the page to a new website
session.current_page.goto("new website link")

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where None value in response data is not handled properly.
  • Fixed a bug where to_data() method is not working properly in the asynchronous environment.

Version 0.2.1


This release introduces a new feature where users can retrieve and load browser's authentication session to maintain login state.

New Features

  • Get & Set User Authentication Session:

With this release, users can maintain the previous login state by initializing a session with the user authentication state.

To retrieve the authentication state from the current session, users can utilize Session class's get_user_auth_state():
# Prior to this point, the script has already signed into a website

# This will retrieve the auth state for current session
user_auth_state = session.get_user_auth_state()

# The session info can be saved to local file system like this
with open(FILE_PATH, "w") as f:

To load the authentication state while initializing the session, users can pass user_auth_state into start_session()'s user_auth_session parameter:
user_auth_session = None

# To load user_auth_session from local file, users can do something like this
with open(FILE_PATH, "r") as f:
    user_auth_session = json.loads(

session = webql.start_session(user_auth_session=user_auth_session)

For a more detailed instruction on how to retrieve and load user session, please refer to the following example in our example repository.

Version 0.2.0


This release introduces some breaking changes. Please refer to "Breaking Changes" section for latest information.


This release introduces the asynchronous version of the package. Now users can utilize AgentQL in an optimized fashion within their asynchronous environment.

New Features

  • Asynchronous Support: With this release, users can start an asynchronous session using the following script:
import webql

async_session = await webql.start_async_session()

For a more detailed instruction on how to use async version, please refer to the following example in our example repository.

Breaking Changes

We have introduced some changes to our public API structure. Specifically, users need to choose between synchronous API and asynchronous API when importing web drivers and helper methods.

Now, PlaywrightWebDriver and close_all_popups_handler need to be imported in the following fashion:

  • Synchronous
from webql.sync_api.web import PlaywrightWebDriver
from webql.sync_api import close_all_popups_handler
  • Asynchronous
from webql.async_api.web import PlaywrightWebDriver
from webql.async_api import close_all_popups_handler

The following way of importing PlaywrightWebDriver and close_all_popups_handler is no longer supported.


The following script is deprecated and no longer supported.
from webql.web import PlaywrightWebDriver
from webql import close_all_popups_handler