Extracting data from PDFs and image files with AgentQL's Playground

You can use AgentQL's Playground to extract structured data such as product details, user reviews, or other information from PDFs and images.


This beta feature is exclusive to AgentQL's Playground and not yet available in our SDKs. You're welcome to email the AgentQL team or reach out on our Discord to get access!

Go to playground

  1. Go to AgentQL's Playground.
  2. Click the "Documented (Experimental)" toggle.
  3. Either click "Choose file" to upload your PDF, JPG, or PNG file or drag and drop your file into the target preview area.
  4. Add an AgentQL query to the query box (or use the "Suggest a Query" button to have AgentQL craft a query for you).
  5. Click the "Fetch Data" button.

Check the results box for your extracted data, and please let the AgentQL team know your feedback. If you would like to access the feature via the SDK, please reach out to join Tiny Fish's Beta Access Program.